Leafy Greens Product Testing Instructions

Thank you for joining this in-home test. For the next two weeks, you'll complete a few daily tasks to help us gather information.

  • Tasks will include taking photos of the leafy greens and answering a few questions.

  • Each day should take only 2-3 minutes, except the first and last days, which take about 5 minutes.

  • We will send you email reminders to help you stay on schedule and be accessible by text/email from 8am-10pm, even through the holidays!

  • Ideally, choose approximately the same time each day for the surveys since we want to see how the "test" leafy greens change over 14 days. (For this reason, you will need to wait at least 12 hours after completing one survey before you can start the next day's survey.) 

  1. Register after receiving the email that you have been selected,

  2. Do the first survey for a baseline on your current habits. Wait at least 12 hours.

  3. Get the test product delivered or by pick up in Lafayette or Erie.

  4. Watch the video on this page.

  5. Buy at least one extra leafy green item or head of lettuce, in addition to your usual vegetables. If you want to learn about what vegetables work best, check out the Vegetable Facts page

  6. You will get a $20 gift card to reimburse you for your purchases, of which only $3-$8 need to be test vegetables. Be sure to save your receipt! You will need to snap a photo or upload the receipt during one of the first days of surveys. 

  7. Put the test leafy greens and extra vegetables in the vegetable crisper drawer of your fridge.

  8. Keep the designated test leafy green items in the drawer for the full 14-day study, except when taking them out for observation or photos. DO NOT EAT THE TEST GREENS! (Inform other members of your household not to eat or discard the 1-2 "test" leafy green items, regardless of condition. Place a note in the drawer if a reminder is needed.)

  9. Continue to store and eat your other vegetables as usual.

  10. Earn another $100 or more and get paid by January 10th.

Daily Instructions:
  • Check your email for instructions to complete the daily tasks. You will need to take photos of the leafy greens and answer questions each day.

  • The survey instructions will continue from where you stopped, maintaining a minimum of 12 hours in between.

  • Keep the head of lettuce or designated leafy greens in the crisper drawer for the full 14 days, except when taking them out for observation or photos.

  • You can add or consume other food items in the vegetable crisper drawer during this period.